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Achievements and Accomplishments
Here are some of the Most Outstanding Achievements, Accomplishments and Recognition Across the globe.

Church and Ministry
Meek Banda has successfully Pioneered a Global Prophetic Ministry, Mentoring people from all walks of life across the globe. He has also Pioneered a Global Radio, TV and Devotional Network available in different languages.

Business Ventures
Meek Banda has successfully Pioneered Phrase Holdings International Incorporated, Admel Nigo Corporation and Zareen Baig Consortium. Contributing to the notable growth and development of different economies.
Want to check out my Business Projects Instead?

Partner Sites
My Partner Sites and Venture Links
Here is a list of all my Partner Sites and Venture Links of which I am the Founder and Pioneer. Ranging from Personal, Charity, Church and Business Ventures. Please click on the logo of your choice below to visit the website of your choice.